Sunday 9 September 2012

Mon arrivée approche

Less than 3 weeks until I am off to Briançon, 'chez moi' until about May next year. I managed a quick visit to the town last week with my parents. It's so beautiful, surrounded by mountains. I visited the lycée I am teaching in which seems really nice, but so much like a time warp compared to what we are used to in England. Everything seems about 20 years dated, but not necessarily in a bad way. Everything just seems to take a slower pace here. My room is in the lycée, along with other assistants and teachers who stay there. The view is breathtaking but the room is basic. But I'm looking forward to making it my own using my Laurence Llewelyn-Bowenesque prowess. It's all feeling a bit real now as I start prepping lessons and worrying about little details. I'm sure it will be amazing but I just hope my kids like me and my lessons and I make friends and don't become morbidly obese from overindluging in croissants and AHHH... besides that I feel just dandy. Anyhoo, better go prep for more English lessons. Am I fun to an 18 year French student...? Soon find out. Bisous x

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